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Red Pine
(Pinus resinosa)

Key ID Features: Needles, Cones, Crown Shape, Bark

Red Pine

Other Names: Norway Pine, Hard Pine, Pitch Pine, Yellow Pine

Red pine and Norway pine are common names for the same species. There are
2 NEEDLES per bundle, 4-7 inches long.


CONES are usually oval, about 2 to 2-1/2 inches long.


The BARK is scaly, resembling a jig-saw puzzle. The loose "pieces" are reddish, pinkish, gray, and brown.


Red pine is the most common plantation tree. Tree HEIGHTS usually are in the 80-90 foot range, but can grow to well over a hundred feet under the right conditions.


Common pests: pine root collar weevil, European pine shoot moth, stem rusts,
Coleosporium, Sphaeropsis, Sirococcus, Scleroderris, frost damage, sawflies,
pine root collar weevil, aphids & spittlebugs, Pales weevil, shoot beetles, Eur.
pine shoot beetle, shoot moths, red heart, Annosum, Polypores

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