Roscommon County 4H
Roscommon County 4-H is the local 4-H program that is part of the Youth Development efforts of Michigan State University Extension. 4-H is open to any youth ages 5 to 19 and is run and supported by volunteers.
HeadWaters Land Concervancy
Michigan based 501c3 non-profit land trust with the mission to protect and preserve the remaining undisturbed natural resources of northeast Michigan. Gahagan conveyed a Conservation Easement with HeadWaters in 2004 for the 60 acres of the preserve.
Michigan DNR
A collection of natural resources and history education materials put together by a small DNR team and partners. These resources are for parents, educators and anyone looking for some fun and inspiring ways to teach and learn about Michigan’s outdoors and history.
Higgins Lake Foundation
The mission of the HLF is to promote ecologically sound projects and practices for the protection of Higgins Lake and the surrounding watershed.
Roscommon County Community Foundation
RCCF is committed to:
Supporting its communities through the creation of permanent endowment funds
Protecting, investing & administering donations made in support of our communities
Demonstrating concern for the youth of our communities and the many issues affecting their future
Recognizing the value and importance of our natural environment
Improving and building the future for our families and our children’s families